Turner Prize 2011

Shortlisted Artists

Karin Ferrari
Nora Kapfer
Anna Kinbom
Olga Pastekova
Martyn Reynolds
Immanuel Rohringer
Salvatore Viviano
Dario Wokurka
Amelie Zadeh

Award Ceremony

The Winner of this year’s Turner Prize will be announced at the award ceremony on tuesday.

6 December 2011, 8:30 pm


Bildhauerateliers Akademie der bildenden Künste
Kurzbauergasse 9
1020 Wien


About the Turner Prize

The Turner Prize is a contemporary art award that was set up to celebrate new developments in contemporary art.

Sponsored by well-known philanthropist, Julian Turner, the prize is awarded each year to ‘an artist under fifty for an outstanding exhibition or other presentation of their work in the twelve months preceding’.

Salvatore Viviano wins the 2011 Turner Prize

Salvatore Viviano wins the 2011 Turner Prize